Ramones : Acid Eaters
Sorti le 1er décemnbre 1993 (radioactive records/Chrysalis)
Treizième album des Ramones il n'est composé que de reprises
Journey to the Center of the Mind (The amboy Dukes)
Substitute (The Who)
Out Of Time ( Rolling Stones)
The Shape of Things to Come (max Frost and The Troopers)
Somebody To Love (Jefferson Airplane)
When I Was Young (The Animals )
7 and 7 Is (Love)
My Back Pages ( Bob Dylan)
Can't Seem to Make You Mine ( The Seeds)
Have You Ever Seen The Rain? (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
I Can't Control Myself ( The Troggs )
Surf City (Jan & Dean)
Surfin' Safari (The Beach Boys)
Joey Ramone (chant), Johnny Ramone (guitare), C.J Ramone (basse), Marky Ramone (batterie).

Cd Single : Journey to the center of the Mind
surfin' safari
ramones: Journey to the center of the Mind
Cd single : substitute
Can't Seem to Make You Mine
ramones : substitute
ramones : cabbies on crack
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